Tuesday 24 September 2013

Analysis of a similar promo (ISL)

Analysis of a
similar promo
Gabrielle Aplin

This is a mix of genres, with folk included, it is similar to our chosen band as it is folk.
This shot is a close up of the artist playing the piano, which is one of the typical instruments that are used in folk music other than guitars. This shot is level with the pianos keys so that you can see the artist playing it. In the shot it is mainly focused on the piano keys and the artists hands as they play. The shot has a natural looking light.   

This shot is a extreme close up of the artists face. You can see how she is not covered in bright, wacky make up which is normally associated with the pop genre, but you can see she has natural make up which is what you see with the folk genre. The shot is framed to just her face, so it is like the whole video is focused on her and the song which is part the folk genre as they focus on the artist and song rather than over the top settings etc.   

This is a mid shot from a point of view like angle, as if she is singing to someone or someone is watching. The room again is lit naturally and the setting is made up with simple colours so that the artist stands out and is the centre of attention.   

This shot is a mid shot, again from someones point of view. The room is now lit by candles and fairy lights, so they aren't taking alot of attention away but instead giving the set a warm glow as the song progresses.

This shot is a long shot from someones point of view. It is from behind the artist to show the setting/location of where she is performing. It is lit with fairy lights and candles so it give the artist at the piano a sort of silhouette as she is dressed in simple dark clothing.

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