Tuesday 15 October 2013

Rough shot list and Narrative and Performance placements and storyboard

This is a screen shot of the lyrics. It shows where we are going to have the narrative and the performance but this may change.

Shot list (red writing is sound and blue is pictures and black is video)

- Long shot of 2 performers on stage setting up the guitars.
- Close up of performers hand/faces.
- Only audience screaming.
- Pan from one performer to the other then zoom in on pic that is on the guitar and goes to pictures.
- From that picture it slowly zooms out to mid shot.
- The faces start to look at each other and get angry.
- Zooms to mid shot of shouting at each other.
- Then long shot of following female actor up the stairs and into bedroom to take a breath then walking out door.
- mid pan shot of girl in field, with different clothes on, and slowly zooms out as she looks around and smiles.
- Music starts and shot goes to performers playing and singing the first line.
- Goes back to long shot of actor running through the field, spinning and laughing.
- Goes to performers on 'I only went out...' shot of one performers then to both then to the other as well as shots of playing the guitars.
- Back to actor going into woods then out where sees friends.
- Goes through town looking in shops, flash backs of times with her boyfriend.
- Shots of performers.
- Shots of actor having fun with her friends, laughing while having a drink.
- Actor goes back to house.
- Shots of performers.
- As she goes through door it goes back to pictures and shots of her looking around then smiling and camera zooms in on her mouth which has 'THE END' written on it and the video finishes.
- People partying in the audience for the performers they have black shirts on with the spray paint and writing on.  


Above is our rough storyboard. It is only rough as I created it from the rough shot list our group decided on and then we went through the shot list adding and changing parts to it to improve our video. As soon as we went through the shot list in detail as a group we developed the storyboard after to make sure that we knew what to film when we went out to film. 

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