Tuesday 1 October 2013

Music video ideas

Idea 1
1st basic idea that we have all agreed on.

  • A young couple have just moved into their first house together
  • Everything is on edge, both unsure about the relationship but are too afraid to say anything because they might loose each other
  • But surely if you aren't happy with something, you would do something about it, or would you?
  • The concept of the film 'Narnia'
    - A wooden wardrobe which leads to another world where she is free from her relationship and the drama within it with her partner.
Starting the video

  • Pictures of a happy couple flashing on the screen
  • Then the pictures start to have a faster pace the also the pictures start to show anger and perhaps violence.
  • The two bullet points above are explanations of the start of the video that we are going to create and it shows how not all relationships are meant to be and also how things and people change within the relationship especially if the relationship to long term.
  • After the pictures (about 20 seconds in), the pictures are going to come alive and this leads the women to go into the empty room with only a wardrobe in it at the back of the room
  • As soon as she enters, a whoosh of cold wind hits her... something happening
  • She investigates the wardrobe, opens it, steps in and gets claustrophobic (fear of having no escape and being closed in small spaces) and begins to panic
  • Exits from the back and steps out into the fields with loads of colourful flowers.
  • She is not sure about the idea (and she has confused look on her face) and turns around and tries to step back in the wardrobe, feels nothing, turns around, wardrobe has gone.
  • She feels free!
Middle section of the video
  • Music begins 0 - 10 seconds (no lyrics) into the video she runs as fast as she can with a huge grin on her face to show she is happy and feels free from everything.
  • 11 seconds into the song, the singing begins and she instantly stop to a holt and the setting/place changes to the girls singing the first verse of the song.

Idea 2

Start of the video-
At the start of the video there are pictures of a couple together taking them of themselves, the pace starts off slow and starts to get faster as the pictures change to the couple fighting and then the boy watches as the girl walks out the door. This is all in black and white until she is out of the door then it goes into colour and she is suddenly in a field ( Narnia concept ). She is happy and the music starts and the shots flash from her running, spinning around in the field to the singers on stage.

She walks through the field to the woods and finds her friends and they walk through town smiling, laughing and having fun and couples walk past the girl and she gets flash backs of her with the guy being happy but then they turn to fights and she shakes her head and carrys on having fun. There is performance mixed in. 

She walks back through a door and it goes back to pictures in black and white and she see the guy is gone and she smiles. The camera zooms in on her mouth and on her lips are the words the end as the music finishes.  

These ideas we all carefully thought about with keeping the genre in mind. As we are going for a music video that use disjuncture rather than illustration or amplification. This is because the folk genre music videos we have researched and watched all are very basic and mainly have performance, so we want to have something different from the conventional folk music video. I think that even though we are using a disjuncture the video will still portray the song in a way that will make people want to listen to it again.  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent planning so far, Shannon. Detailed, creative and it shows a thorough understanding of the text.

    You need to continue with this high standard of work to achieve a Band 4 grade overall, which you are currently.
