Tuesday 11 June 2013

Naughty boy ft Sam Smith narrative

What do you learn about music videos here?

Naughty boy, Sam Smith – La La La

May 17th

It is like a version of wizard of Oz.

Made in Bolivia.

Info – This music video is based on the Bolivian legend from the 19 th century about a deaf boy who left an abusive home who found a stray dog and discovered a talent of percepting people troubles while living on the streets. It was said he fixed the problems by screaming which was said to be so loud as an earthquake. He finds an old man who is in trouble and helps him out and receives a heart some how which is shown in the video as the boy buying him one. He finds another man who is disfigured and he tells the boy about the demon El Tio was cursed him. El Tio is considered as the lord of the underworld which people offer gifts to be protected by him or to ease his angry and that anyone who could hear him would fall under his control. He was said to be found in the desert. The boy goes into the mine where the demon was said to be as he was deaf he couldn't hear the demon but he could scream to stop him from cursing others. The video is a version of the wizard of Oz to conceal the legend to those who don't know it. 

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