Sunday 16 June 2013

La La La by Naughty boy ft Sam Smith

Analyzing a music video

Mise en scene
Lighting – At the start of the video there is the man in a dark room but he is lit by one light so you can clearly see him and everything that he is doing. The rest of the video looks like it is lit naturally until they get to the mine and it is dark apart from light that is streaming in from behind the statue.

Location – The video starts in an apartment then goes out into the streets as the boy runs the location changes and it keeps changing as it is like they are going on a journey. The video is actually filmed in Bolivia.    

Props – At the start of the video there are props like a bottle of alcohol and eggs then there were things like a boom box and a heart. These are all important props as it helps tell the story for example the bottle of alcohol helps the audience see why the man is angry so they can see it’s an abusive home. Then things like the heart are important as the video is like a version of the wizard of Oz so the man with the kid at this point is like the tin man who wants a heart.   

Costume – The costume is different for each actor. The kid has simple childlike clothing whereas the tin man has grey coloured clothes so he looks more tin or robotic like to go with the way he moves. The other actor with the boy is supposed to be the scarecrow man he has wool like clothing on with a mask to cover his face which is in the shape of an elephant.   

Make up – The man in the gym who looks like he is playing the tin man has silver make up on to make him look tin coloured which matches his clothing. The women also in the same scene has dripping make up to show that they are working hard.  

Actors – Boy who is the main character. The dog who is supposed to be both Toto and the lion. The silver looking man who is supposed to be the tin man and the scarecrow. As well as a few brief characters like the father, the man who sells them a heart and the women in the gym.  

This music video is based on the Bolivian legend from the 19th century about a deaf boy who left an abusive home who found a stray dog and discovered a talent of percepting people troubles while living on the streets. It was said he fixed the problems by screaming which was said to be so loud as an earthquake. He finds an old man who is in trouble and helps him out and receives a heart somehow which is shown in the video as the boy buying him one. He finds another man who is disfigured and he tells the boy about the demon El Tio was cursed him. El Tio is considered as the lord of the underworld which people offer gifts to be protected by him or to ease his angry and that anyone who could hear him would fall under his control. He was said to be found in the desert. The boy goes into the mine where the demon was said to be as he was deaf he couldn't hear the demon but he could scream to stop him from cursing others. The video is a version of the wizard of Oz to conceal the legend to those who don't know it.

This shot is a long wide shot of the starting scene. It includes the father character sat in a dark room with a single light that is on him. It is framed in the door way.  

This is a wide long shot. It shows everything in the room which is important in the story of the video. You can see the alcohol and the aggressive posture of the father character which makes the audience think that something is going to happen. 

This is a high to low shot looking down from the boys point of view to a man with a dog. 

This is a tracking shot of the boy and the dog running. The camera is focused on the dog and the boys feet but also the ground. It is paved like a brick road like the yellow brick road in the wizard of Oz it is like they are going on a journey. 

This is like the shot above but you can tell both the location and the time has changed so it is showing the boy is on a journey. This is a low tracking shot, close up of the boys feet and of the dog.  

This is a close up of the tin man character getting a heart, which is apart of the wizard of Oz story but also apart of the Bolivian legend that this video is also based on. 

This is a close up of the scarecrow character. It clearly shows how different he is from others and also the costume. 

This is a long shot. As you can see it is a shot of a road which also shows the journey but this time for all of them. 

This is a mid shot of all of the characters. It shows the connection between them.  
 This shot is a long shot showing the location but also how the train tracks represent the yellow brick road. It also shows the small TV which has something on the screen. 
This is a close up of the boys face. It shows his reaction to the fact that he has come to the end of his journey. 
 This shot is back tracking close up to long shot of the boy and a statue of 'El Tio' from the Bolivian legend. 

At start there is a fade in from black to give the sense that the video is playing but also like someone is walking down a dark hall. To cut between each shot straight cuts are used, they are very effective and short so that we can see the story that the video is trying to tell.  

The track has a very simple beat which is catchy. The lyrics are simple and effective in telling the story. 
Here are the lyrics: 
Hush, don't speak
When you spit your venom, keep it shut I hate it
When you hiss and preach
About your new messiah 'cause your theories catch fire

I can't find those silver linings
I don't mean to judge
But when you read your speech, it's tiring
Enough is enough

I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning off the volume when you speak
Cause if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to block it
I go
La la, la la la...
La la, la la la...
I find a way to block it
I go
La la, la la la...
La la, la la la...

Yes our love is running out of time
I won't count the hours, rather be a coward
When our words collide
I'm gonna drown you out before I lose my mind

I can't find those silver linings
I don't mean to judge
But when you read your speech, it's tiring
Enough is enough

I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning off the volume when you speak
Cause if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to block it
I go
La la la la la...
La la la la la...
I find a way to block it
I go
La la la la la...
La la la la la...
I find a way to block you, oh
La la la la la...
La la la la la...
I find a way to block it
I go
La la la la la...
La la la la la...

I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning off the volume when you speak
Cause if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to block it
I go

I'm covering my ears like a kid
when your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning off the volume when you speak
Cause if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to block it
I go
La la la la la...
La la la la la...
La la la la la...
La la la la la...


The genre is PopUK garage. 

1 comment:

  1. I asked the question before why do they leave the little boy with the monster
