Monday 4 November 2013

Weather for Wednesday and Friday

This is what Laura found for what the weather is going to be like for our film days.



Laura print screened these shot of the outlook of the weather on the day that we are going to be shooting the music video.
This will be important especially on Friday because that is the day when we are shooting mainly outside in the woods.
Overall, the outlook is looking fine for now but lets jut hope that it isn't typical English weather and just rains randomly because this could ruin the effect of the video. If on Friday, it spits with rain then we could perhaps get away with it because you are trying to get across the view of freedom within the music video. However, if the weather is really bad then it could make the audience see a different perspective to the video. This is because rain doesn't demonstrate freedom and liberated, it suggests being distraught and unhappy with themselves or other people.

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