Friday 30 August 2013


The animation 
in our 

We have tried to experiment with our prelim to realise our strengths and weaknesses whilst making our prelim video. This is why we have chosen to try animated motion videos with the a bit of help of our secondary source.
Below are picture which Ronnie edited on Photoshop that we used in our prelim. 

We have started by using our primary sources. Ronnie took a picture of Laura's 
face, exported it onto Photoshop and rubbered out all of the background image, so that all that is left is Laura's face's shape. She then repeated this with a picture of my face and of hers. 

And whist on Photoshop, Ronnie made another layer, exporting our secondary source, and added our primary source layer over the faces of the animated people in the boat. This way, we have managed to create an effect of us sitting in the boat. Ronnie covered the "JIB JAB" sign for copy right reasons.

We have created the motion effect by screen shooting the secondary source video first, so that when we put the screenshots together, it creates a motion. 

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