Monday, 16 December 2013
Feedback Questionnaire
1. What is your age?
11 -20
21 – 30
2. What is your gender?
3. Do you know what folk is?
4. If yes, to the question above, then name a folk singer/band
5. Do you think our video fits the typical folk genre you see, such as Passenger and Gabrielle Aplin?
6. If yes, to the question above, please explain why
7. Do you think there is a common theme throughout our digipak, promo and advert?
8. Do you think there could be any improvements on the digipak, promo and advert?
Advert - /10
Promo - /10
10. Any other points?

2. What is your gender?

3. Do you know what folk is?

4. If yes, to the question above, then name a folk singer/band
5. Do you think our video fits the typical folk genre you see, such as Passenger and Gabrielle Aplin?

6. If yes, to the question above, please explain why
7. Do you think there is a common theme throughout our digipak, promo and advert?

8. Do you think there could be any improvements on the digipak, promo and advert?

Please explain why
9. Out of ten what would you give each of our products?
Digipak - /10Advert - /10
Promo - /10
10. Any other points?
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Another idea
created this on Pixlr using a background with pictures of Laura and Ronnie ontop.
I placed a black band at the bottom to make the text about the album stand out
more. I placed the title of the band and the album at the top as they are the
most important things on the advert. I then placed a picture of the album in
the middle of the advert so it is like everything is revolving around it. The
picture of Laura is bigger than Ronnie's as Laura is the person who is focused
on more in our video so I wanted to keep that theme in the advert. Everything
is in black, grey and white as it is a more vintage look which is normally associated
with the folk genre
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Friday, 6 December 2013
Another draft
I did this on pixlr. I took a photo of Laura and Ronnie and edited on pixlr, it was already in black and white so I edited the brightness of it so that it came out like this. I then added the text both from and a part from the origianl bands logo and then added a picture of the album cover in the corner.
Draft of Magazine advert
My ideas
These are currently our ideas that we have for our own advert. We are discussing and developing our ideas further then we will create our final one.
The one above was edited on pixlr. I took both the photos included and edited them. Then added on some writing from
The one above was edited on pixlr. I took all the photos included and edited them. Then added on some writing from
The one above was edited on pixlr. I took both the photos included and edited them. Then added on some writing from
The one above was edited on pixlr. I took all the photos included and edited them. Then added on some writing from
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Final digipak
This is our final digipak. It is six panels and five of the six are our own pictures which I took myself and edited using Pixlr online. When we were deciding which pictures to use we made sure that they all were similar. We also decided to use the logo of the actual band as we thought that we should incorporate them in it in some way. The front panel is the bottom right picture. We thought that the picture was a simple and beautiful picture which would show happiness because of the bright colours but because it is simple it suits the genre as most digipaks and album covers of the folk genre as very simple. The writing on it is from the website I thought that the writing was simple and fitted the genre but it also looked good and stood out against the bright background. The panel next to it is the back panel. I also took that photo when we were at Shillingthorpe park and I thought that it was so beautiful that it should be used in our project in some way whether our music video or the advert or the digipak. I edited it on Pixlr, using a the black fade effect around the edges as I used on the front panel. It makes the colours of the picture stand out and makes you look at the picture but also the text that is on it. the text on it is the names and numbers of the tracks. The first one is our actual track and the rest are made up as you don't only have one song on a digipak. The panels next to that is the logo of the actual band. we didn't have any other pictures that would link with the others so we came up with the idea to use their logo. Above the logo panel is a picture from when we were doing the performance video. I cut the background out of the picture and stuck them on a olden wooden stage that you would see in folk videos and then washed out the colour to give it an olden photo effect but to make it simple and soft as well. The panel next to it is where the CD will go. Again I took the photo and edited it to make the colours bright and stand out and then put the name of the band underneath as if the band is suddenly being revealed when you take the CD out. The next panel is a picture of Ronnie and Laura as they are the performers they had to be included somewhere on the digipak. It is a simple photo of just the two of them so that you can see them. The black boxes are the side panels when the digipak is folded.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Draft of our digipak
Since the band’s name is 'Sound of the Sirens' my group and Laura thought that it would be a good idea to link the theme of Sirens with the front cover for our digipak.
Ronnie draw this picture to create a primary source from an inspiration that we found on the Internet when performing our research on Sirens. By adding different colours and texture to the picture, it gives the audience an idea of good and bad sides to Sirens themselves. But keeping the 'Malevolent Sirens' in black and white give the impression that it isn't as friendly and kind like the one above. Ronnie chose the contrast to emphasize on the duplicity of sirens.
These two pictures were taken when my group was in process with creating our music video. We thought that if we experimented and went well then we could use it later on however if we chosen not to use it then it only shows positive evidence towards our coursework.
We decided to spice it up a little by putting a simple and effective effect on it and this enriches the colours in the shot. By doing placing the black shade in the corners of the picture, it enhances the two main elements in the shot, the band members. We thought that it would be effective to do so because we wanted people to focus on the picture and link it to the music which has been produced.
We decided to spice it up a little by putting a simple and effective effect on it and this enriches the colours in the shot. By doing placing the black shade in the corners of the picture, it enhances the two main elements in the shot, the band members. We thought that it would be effective to do so because we wanted people to focus on the picture and link it to the music which has been produced.
The picture below is only a slight change from the one above since there isn't a black clouded effect around the edges.
This is an idea we had for the back cover for the digipak. This picture was taken when we filmed the narrative in Shillingthorpe Park. The lighting in the shot suggest a happy, bright and perhaps relieved atmosphere which is what we wanted to apply for the audience.
I edited the photo below to make it brighter to show happiness and as it is a path it is like it is saying it is leading you to happiness. I made sure that the colours popped so that it would stand out and be eye catching.
This picture below I also edited it so that the colours stood out to represent happiness. I put a black fade effect around the edge so when people look at it they focus straight to the center of the photo where we are thinking about putting the title of the album but only the title as when we looked at Gabrielle Aplin's digipak she hid her face on it so that the audience only focused on the music rather than the look of the artist.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Ancillary task - music advert for a magazine
When we started to design our advert we looked at these examples for inspiration on what to include on our advert to make it look as realistic as possible.

Laura also researched this to and analysed them:
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Exhibitionism means extravagant behavior that is intended to attract attention to oneself.The apparently more powerful independent
female artists of recent years have added to the complexity of the politics of
looking and gender/cultural debates, by being at once sexually provocative and
apparently in control of, and inviting, a sexualised gaze.
Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears are examples of this.
Goodwin, in Dancing in the Distraction Factory (1992,
Routledge), has identified the following
features of music videos:
- Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (eg stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/girl band)
- The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).
- There is frequently reference to the notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body. E.g.s George Michael ‘Outside’ , Duran Duran ‘Rio’, Trey Songz ‘Neighbours Know My Name’
4. There is often intertextual reference (to films, TV programmes, other music videos, etc).
Levi-Strauss - Believed constant creation of
conflict / opposition propels narrative. Narrative can only end on a resolution
of conflict. Opposition can be visual (light/darkness, movement/stillness) or
conceptual (love/hate, control/panic), and to do with soundtrack. See Green Day
‘Boulevard of Broken Dreams’ or Katy Perry ‘Firework’
Our promo
We looked at the film Narnia for our intertextuality. In our promo you may not see it in terms of walking through a wadroabe but you will see the difference of one world to the other. We decided on Narnia as we like the concept of two worlds, one which isn't very nice and the other where you are free.

Friday, 29 November 2013
The Pierces
Laura did this research
During last week we have had some different people looking at our music video as we had asked them to rate it and give my group constructive criticism and one person that advised us to research the band 'The Pierces' was a English teacher because he thinks that we could get some inspiration from these two since their duo and our band who we are making a music video for, Sound of the Sirens.
I have researched some of their music video and I like some of their ideas in the video, Glorious especially the retro effect that they have throughout the performance/video.
The Pierces

The Pierces are mainly based in NYC and consist of two sisters, Allison and Catherine Pierce hence their name, The Pierces. They origin from Birmingham, Alabama in the USA.
Genre of music: Psychedelic rock, psychedelic pop, psychedelic folk, folk rock, folk pop, pop and rock. Years active 2000 - Present.
Genre of music: Psychedelic rock, psychedelic pop, psychedelic folk, folk rock, folk pop, pop and rock. Years active 2000 - Present.
Website -
This shot is placed right at the beginning of the video and it shows the two band members growing through their audience to prepare perform to them.
They girls are in the middle of the shot because this suggest they are the important people in the shot in that time and all the attention and focus is on them.
With this shot, again, the most important prop is the old fashion camera and this represents the time period that are were in when shooting the video.
Also, on the right at the back, there is a lady wearing a pale, salmon colour dress which also could support that point about the time period.
Slightly further into the video when the singing begins, Allison (brown hair) is positioned in the center of the shot while Catherine is more left to show that she isn't as important at this point in time since Allison is about to introduce he first line of the song and they want to audience to concentrate on the person singing the song rather than other elements to the video.
This close-up shot behind Catherine suggest a positive atmosphere especially with the blue/green tones in the lighting because it contradicts the emotions the audience would associate it with.
Its bright and very bold colour to also represent party and having a good time while enjoying the performances.
This mid-shot show the retro style as well as the time period.
The red colour effect suggest danger but then again love and effectiveness.On the sides of the shot again shows a retro effect in the mid 1900s.
The final shot of the video shows the two sisters/band members in their finishing position as well as the drum stick near the center.
The main focus would be Catherine's dress, hair and body language.
It is a secure and steady end pose.
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Analysing a similar artist digipak
Gabrielle Aplin
Below is Gabrielle's digipak for her 'Ghosts' album. All of the panels go well together and keeps with one theme rather than having random pictures put together in a random order. There are simple colours used for the text and the background on some parts. The black and white theme gives the impression of age or memories, it is simple and gives the album a sleek and defined look. The pictures that are used are of her but her face is always hidden, giving the album a mysterious feeling but also it is a intriguing tactic to get the audience interested. But I also think that her face is hidden because she wants her audience to just focus on her music rather than her looks which is what happens alot in the music industry.
This is an analysis of another one of her albums by someone which I found. I loked at it to help me with the analysis above.
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